Special Educational Needs Support
Here at My Nursery we are committed in providing quality care to ALL children.
To support children with additional needs and the delivery of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice (2015) we have implemented a nursery Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). She has been trained through the local authority, and continually attends ongoing training opportunities. The SENDCo support's the key person, child and families to ensure that the child’s individual needs are met.
Staff liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) to gain further advise in supporting each individual child. Our staff work collaboratively to ensure that these targets and strategies are implemented. If you wish to discuss any worries or concerns you may have our staff are readily available.
Some additional support ideas can be found here.
There are several services to help support parents including:
Lincolnshire Local offer
The Local Offer, as with the rest of the Family Services Directory, is provided to help you find services more easily. You should always check services and activities are suitable for your needs and those of your family.
The Local Offer is for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and their families. It will also help professionals working with families to find the right information.
To access please click here
Lincolnshire Parent Carers Forum (LPCF)
LPCF is a registered Charity supporting parents and carers of children with disabilities and SEN in Lincolnshire through its parent carer forum. LPCF are responsible for representing the views of a wider group of parents and carers through their Parent Carer Forum.
Their main remit is to collect, collate and represent the views of parent carers from a variety of sources and use the information and ensure these are fed back to service providers with a view to improve the quality, range and accessibility of services.
For more information click here
Liaise is a free, confidential and impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information and Support Service for Lincolnshire. They offer information and advice about SEN and Disabilities to parents, young people and children (0-25).
They provide initial help and support via telephone and email. and have a confidential Helpline for parents and young people. If you need further help and support a Liaise Caseworker can be allocated.
For more Information click here